Thursday, September 22, 2011

History SH Terate

History SH Terate 
Man can be destroyedHumans can be turned offhowever, humans can not be defeatedas long as man is faithful to his heartor air-SH in itself
Faithful Heart Brotherhood philosophy Terate it was still resonate today and managed to toss PSHT as an organization that originate on the "brotherhood" that eternal and immutable.
Ki Hajar is Hardjo Oetomo, Madison gentleman born in 1890. Due diligence to serve the master, namely Ki Ngabehi Soerodiwiryo, the last he managed to get the love of excess and controlled almost the whole of the teacher until she was entitled to predicate swordsman level III at the level of science Faithful Heart (SH). It happened in the village Winongo clutch when the Dutch colony in Indonesia nails.
As a warrior, Ki Hajar Oetomo Hardjo was eager to mendarmakan sublime science which has to others. For the good of others. For the safety of others. For the salvation of the world. But the road was not as smooth as that pioneered expectations. The street was full of winding obstacle obstacles. Especially during the colonial era. Yes, until Ki Hajar himself forced to become an apprentice teacher at the elementary school at Fort Madison, as he finished his school bench. Not at home to become a teacher, changed professions as Ki Hajar Leerling Reambate in SS (PJKA / Railways Indonesia today - ed) Bondowoso, Panarukan, and Tapen.
Entering 1906, impelled by the spirit of rebellion against the Dutch state - because his boss was a lot of the original Dutch -, Ki Hajar out again and apply to be orderly in the market Spoor Madison. Four months later he was placed in Mlilir and successfully promoted to Ajund Opsioner Mlilir market, Dolopo, Uteran and Pagotan.
But again plagued by the spirit of Ki Hajar berontakannya. Treading in 1916 he changed professions again and worked in the sugar factory Rejo Great Madison. Ki Hajar just feel at home here too for a while. In 1917 he came out again and work at home mortgage, until he met with an elder from Tuban who then gave him a job at the Madison station as day laborers.
In the random notes that have been collected, in this new place of Ki Hajar succeeded in establishing associations "Treasure Jaya" a kind of cooperative societies in order to protect his people from oppression usurer. Not long later when VSTP (Union of Railway Employees) was born, fate brought him to the fortune and he was appointed Commissioner Hoof Madison.
In line with the position that bears his life also added to improve. The time is not as narrow as it once was-once again, when he was unable to get a more decent life. In leisure time owned, Ki Hajar trying to increase their knowledge and nyantrik on Ki Ngabehi Soerodiwiryo.
Sufficient data could be accounted for in the years to mention this is Faithful Heart (SH) began touted to change the name of a martial arts club which was originally named "Djojo Gendilo Cipto Mulyo".source:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

History of Karate

by: A Wahid
A theory says that the origin of karate martial arts came from Okinawa. TE-TE or Okinawa is a martial art native who has been progressing for centuries, and then heavily influenced by the fighting techniques that were taken by the Chinese martial arts expert who fled to Okinawa. Around the 5th century, a Buddhist priest named Bodhidharma's famous (Daruma Daishi) wandering from India to China to spread Buddhism and to correct a deviated so far in the Kingdom under Emperor Liang Wu. After a dispute with Emperor Wu as differences in the teachings of Buddhism, Bodhidharma retreated Tsu Shaolin monastery in the mountains in the Southern Sung capital of the Kingdom of Wei Loyang. That's where he continued his teaching in Buddhism and became the forerunner of the Zen sect.
The Chinese Buddhist monk at the time his body was so weak, so that they can not run her lessons well. Once he knows this, he gave a Power Struggle book to his students, a book of instructions about physical exercise. This book teaches techniques called punch 18 Arhats, who later became known as Shaolin Chuan. A second opinion said that the above story is the tale alone. However Bodhidharma are boys to-3 (three) of the King of South India. And as the Prince, he's an expert knowledge of war who became one of his education, a similar thing with Sakyamuni. After all just people with a strong mind and body that can make the trip so far and many obstacles.
A martial arts expert is another very famous which appeared in Sung Dynasty (920-1279 AD) is Chang Sang Feng (Thio Sam Hong). Chang originally studied martial arts at Shaolin Tsu, then in exile in the mountain Wutang (Butong). This is where he studied the various movements of animals, like monkeys, herons, and snakes. Based on his observations, he created a distinctive style with a personal fight, called the flow of Wutang. If Shaolin Chuan is only practiced by the Buddhist priest, then the flow is intended Wutang layman with no ties with any Temple flow. Chang taught to take a hit opponents with graceful style that flows like water and attacked with an assurance to end the fight with a single blow. Creation must be based on the idea of ​​the existence of a flexible circular motion and the motion of a sharp tip. This flow then have a broad impact on the development of martial arts in China. Wutang flow style is immediately spread evenly throughout the Region in northern China that would later evolve into the Taichi-chuan, Hsingi-Chuan, and Pakua-Chuan.
Still there are many martial arts figures who created the style and flow respectively. Among Chueh Yuan who also had studied at the Shaolin Tsu. In the years 1151-1368 AD he succeeded in creating new streams by extending the punch 18 to 72 moves Arhat. He traveled to many areas of China and later met with Yu Feng Po that creates blow Chuan Wu. Both hold work together to create a new flow that reached 170 kinds of style punches science, including the Five Boxing, Dragon Boxing, Tiger Boxing, Boxing Stork, Boxing Leopard, and Snake Fist. Around the Region of China is so vast, wide range of styles and martial arts developed flow, which eventually adjust to the properties of the environment in which the style and flow were developed and practiced. But in general, various schools and styles that exist can be divided into two streams which flow streams NORTH and SOUTH.
South flow from the South China region in the lower reaches of the river Yang Tse. Because temperate climates, the source of most major economic activity in the region is agriculture, especially rice. Local people tend to be stocky and strong because of work activities in the fields. Besides, in the southern region there are many rivers, so that traffic is the main tool is the boat. With the daily rowing cause upper body is more developed. So thus the flow of this southern style emphasis on flex and use of hands and head.
North flow develops in the North China region in the upper Yang Tse River, where the nature of the area is mountainous. Given the region's many people involved with hunting animals and harvesting of timber as a source of livelihood. Then flow north is more emphasis on agile movements and the use of kick techniques.
During the transitional period of the Ming Dynasty to the Ching Dynasty, a Chinese martial arts expert fled to other countries to liberate themselves from oppression and massacres committed by the Manchus who controlled China. As a result of martial arts of China Sun Times is distributed to various other countries including Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and also the Okinawa Islands. One was Chen Yuan Pao that led to Japan, where he subsequently taught ideas and techniques of Judo. Until the 15th century Okinawa Islands are divided into 3 (three) kingdom. And in the year 1470 Youshi Sashikianji SHO from group succeeded in uniting all the islands in Okinawa Islands under his rule. To-2 ruling of the class of Sho, Shin Sho, seize and prohibit the use of sharp weapons. Then the Shimazu family from the island of Kyushu Okinawa Islands managed to master, but the prohibition against possession of weapons still in place. As a result, people can only rely on their physical strength and skill to defend themselves.
At the same time, the martial arts of China was introduced to Okinawa by refugees who came from China who was already ruled by the Manchu (Ching Dynasty). Among the refugees there are a number of martial arts experts from China. The influence of Chinese martial arts is quickly once spread throughout the Islands of Okinawa. Through persistence and violent exercise, the people of Okinawa has developed a kind of fighting styles and new techniques which eventually exceeded the original source. Streams martial arts Te (Tode original or Tote) in the Okinawa area divided by the name of development into Naha-te, Shuri-te and Tomari-te. Naha-te martial art similar to flow south China, especially in the pattern of movements performed with a solid style and is ideal for people who were big. Shuri-te martial art similar to flow north China that emphasizes movement patterns of agility and lightness of the body. While the Shimazu increasingly tightened a ban on the possession of bladed weapons, martial arts training patterns of Te is growing.
In Japan itself also has a pattern of martial arts since ancient times. Among the most famous to date is Sumo wrestling. Formerly Sumo is very loud and ferocious nature, where the participants are allowed at each other and kick and was already mentally prepared to die. Only in the 8th century, punches and kicks off is not allowed anymore. Sumo matches and then was very similar to Sumo match at the present time. Chinese martial arts figures who fled from the Manchu occupation are also scattered throughout Japan. A variety of styles and techniques that they disclose causing new streams. Under the influence and guidance of Chen Yuan Pao, the flow of martial arts Jiu Jitsu or software flow founded by several prominent Japanese martial arts. The concept that "softness can overcome hardness" is expressed originated from China, and the flow develops a significant influence on the pattern of other martial arts. Among them is a very popular Judo founded by Jigoro Kano.Karena tenacity to research, train, and develop themselves, Judo has been successfully received evenly throughout Japan as a modern sport.
In 1923, Gichin Funakoshi, who was born in Shuri, Okinawa in 1869 for the first time demonstrate the Okinawa-Te Te or in Japan. Respectively in 1929 and then figures such as Mabuni, Miyagi Choyun came from Okinawa and spread of karate in Japan. Mabuni named Shitoryu flow, the flow Gojuryu Choyun named Miyagi and Gichin Funakoshi Shotokan call flow. Okinawa Te that has been influenced by the techniques of martial arts from China, once again mingled with the martial art that already exists in Japan, so that experienced changes and evolved into Karate as it is today. Thanks to the efforts of the leaders of this martial arts expert during the period after World War II, Karate has been growing rapidly throughout the world and became the sport's most popular martial arts around the world. Masutatsu Oyama himself later formally established the new stream called Kyokushin Karate in 1956.